Prefabricated Architecture poses great benefits for construction and design, such as the efficiency and accessibility at the time of on-site construction. Today, more people are adopting these projects that allow them flexibility and versatility when it comes to building their homes

Jesús Herranz, Architect & Lead Partner of Viraje, the holding that owns UBIKO Viviendas, experts in the construction of high-end prefabricated houses, details first-hand some of the benefits we find while using mechanized architecture.

1. Efficiency and speed compared to traditional work: Modular construction is between 30% and 50% faster than traditional methods, since the construction process is carried out parallel to the assembly and preparation of the land. This efficiency helps to meet deadlines initially discussed, without many changes for the client and supplier.

2. Safety environments and productivity for the workforce: “understanding the work is greatly facilitated and unforeseen events are minimized. There are also much safer methods at the time of implantation on site, since they are there for fewer days, the safety of the team increases”, usually because the constructions are carried out in controlled and stable environments.

3. Profitability and greater cost control: “at a user level, there are much shorter delivery times… as well as more control on costs; since, the projects must be defined and specified from the beginning, therefore, they can be measured and valued”.

4. Quality in the work delivered: “The level of quality of precast is higher than in-situ work, from the rigorous controls to which it is submitted.” The resistance that these constructions possess and the use of durable materials increases the quality of the project, as well as the quality of life of its users.

5. Sustainability and reduction of the environmental impact: “in general, all systems reduce the production of CO2 waste. The materials used in its production are subjected to continuous R+D+i (Research, development and innovation) in laboratories, a fact that is hardly observed in conventional work”. Efficient isolation can reduce energy consumption and achieve energy savings of up to 70% in some cases. It is also important to note the little intervention that is carried out on the ground, which reduces soil and water contamination.

6. Flexibility and adaptation: this type of construction presents flexibility for both the client and the provider, since it is possible to make changes over time without altering the original structure. These modules can easily be expanded, removed or relocated depending on their uses.

In addition to affordability, prefabricated buildings present these and many other benefits, causing the popularity for its use in high-end construction. It guarantees the control and management of the process from beginning to end, both for its creator and final client.

“In industrialized architecture we find many benefits in all areas. Architects and designers must understand the pros and cons of each precast system in order to choose the best one for their project and be able to get the most out of their qualities”. – UBIKO Viviendas.

About UBIKO Viviendas, with the words of Lead Architect and Partner Jesus Herranz:

Viraje was born in 2011, an architecture and construction company. We have always pursued creating an honest architecture in which we believe in, using industrialized construction systems. For this, we have a team of more than 30 people made up of architects, technical architects, engineers… and more than 10 years of experience in the sector.

Ubiko, our housing brand, was born from this premise. We make unique houses for each location and client, taking care of their architecture and silvering it with prefabricated concrete systems. We offer a complete turnkey service that turns the entire process into a motivating and exciting experience. So much, that our clients become Ubikers, from the good relationship that is generated, since they are accompanied from the beginning of the process to the end of the journey and receiving their home.

We currently build high-end homes in the Balearic Islands, Levante, Madrid and Barcelona, and have plans to expand to other areas.

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