Gender and Gentrification


Hildegard Vásquez focuses on gender, specifically on women (mostly mothers) in conditions of poverty and surrounded by the dangerous consequences of gentrification.

Academics will appreciate the enriching impact that architects can have when we invest our passion not only in creating great designs, but also in caring for vulnerable families displaced by development.




Hildegard Vargas

Architect and Founder of Hache Uve

Panamá, Panamá

Hildegard Vásquez created Hache Uve in 1998, motivated by the reinterpretation of vernacular architecture through research and development.

Vásquez holds a Master of Historical and Conservation of the Polytechnic University of Madrid Restoration, and in 1994 graduated of architecture at Rhode Island School of Design. She also won the RISD Professional Achievement Award in 2014 and has been linked to the Casco Viejo restoration property movement.


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